
Last modified by Administrator on 2016/04/05 11:24

This month's OSIdeas Webinar is with XWiki

What: XWiki open source wiki (www.xwiki.org)
When: Wednesday, November 18, 2015 9:00am PDT / 12:00pm EDT/ 5:00pm GMT / 6:00pm CET
Where: Online via the OSI's instance of BigBlueButton

What is OSIdeas?

A forum (webinar) sponsored by the OSI to share the good work—open source projects, practices and people—underway across the OSI community of Affiliate Members, Sponsors and Supporters.



  • share and promote the wide variety of initiatives underway throughout the open source community in order to increase awareness and adoption;
  • foster greater participation and collaboration among projects needing—and developing—similar tools, technologies and teams;
  • highlight the tools and services of the OSI available to affiliates and our Working Groups and Incubator Projects.


Online via the OSI's instance of BigBlueButton.

To join the webinar:

  1. Go to http://osi.bigbluebutton.org/osi/
  2. Select the 'OSIdeas' room
  3. Use the password 'ideas'

Who & When?

NOTE: All OSIdeas webinars will begin at 9:00am Pacific / 12:00pm Eastern / 5:00pm GMT / 6:00pm Central European time.

DateTopicOrganizationPresenter  Archive
Wed., Sep. 23, 2015BigBlueButtonBlindside NetworksFred DixonVideo Archive
Wed., Oct. 21, 2015Open Innovation Platformin-cubator.orgMarcin KierdelewiczVideo Archive
Wed., Nov. 18, 2015XWikiXWiki SASVincent Massol 
Wed., Dec. 16, 2015SuricataOISFKelley Misata 
Wed., Jan. 20, 2016KritaKDE CommunityBoudewijn Rempt 
Wed., Feb. 17Marketing Automation & Open SourceMauticDavid Hurley 
Wed., Mar. 23WikiToLearnKDE CommunityRiccardo Iaconelli 
Wed., Apr. 20Xerte ProjectXerte CommunityJulian Tenney 
Wed., May 25OPEN (comment below if you want to present)   
Wed., Jun. 22OPEN (comment below if you want to present)   

NOTE: All OSIdeas webinars will begin at 9:00am Pacific / 12:00pm Eastern / 5:00pm GMT / 6:00pm Central European time.