Wiki source code of Browse Wikis

Last modified by superadmin on 2022/11/23 11:11

Show last authors
1 {{velocity}}
2 {{html}}
3 #set ($createWikiDocReference = $services.model.createDocumentReference($,
4 'WikiManager', 'CreateWiki'))
5 #if ($hasCreateWiki && $xwiki.exists($createWikiDocReference)
6 && $'view', $createWikiDocReference))
7 <p>
8 <a href="$xwiki.getURL('WikiManager.CreateWiki')" class="button button-success" id="tmCreateWiki">
9 $services.icon.renderHTML('add') $services.localization.render('')
10 </a>
11 </p>
12 #end
13 {{/html}}
14 #set($columns = ['wikiprettyname', 'description', 'owner', 'doc.creationDate', 'membershipType'])
15 #if(!$isGuest)
16 #set($discard = $columns.add('_actions'))
17 #end
19 #set ($liveDataConfig = {
20 'meta': {
21 'propertyDescriptors': [
22 { 'id': 'wikiprettyname', 'displayer': { 'id': 'link', 'propertyHref': 'wikiprettyname_url' } },
23 { 'id': 'owner', 'editable': false},
24 { 'id': 'membershipType', 'sortable': false, 'filterable': false, 'editable': false },
25 {
26 'id': '_actions',
27 'displayer': {
28 'id': 'actions',
29 'actions': ['join', 'leave', 'requestJoin', 'cancelJoinRequest', 'viewInvitation', 'edit', 'delete']
30 }
31 }
32 ],
33 'actions': [
34 {
35 'id': 'join',
36 'icon': 'user_add',
37 'allowProperty': 'doc.hasjoin',
38 'urlProperty': 'doc.join_url'
39 },
40 {
41 'id': 'leave',
42 'icon': 'user_delete',
43 'allowProperty': 'doc.hasleave',
44 'urlProperty': 'doc.leave_url'
45 },
46 {
47 'id': 'requestJoin',
48 'icon': 'bell',
49 'allowProperty': 'doc.hasrequestJoin',
50 'urlProperty': 'doc.requestJoin_url'
51 },
52 {
53 'id': 'cancelJoinRequest',
54 'icon': 'bell_delete',
55 'allowProperty': 'doc.hascancelJoinRequest',
56 'urlProperty': 'doc.cancelJoinRequest_url'
57 },
58 {
59 'id': 'viewInvitation',
60 'icon': 'envelope',
61 'allowProperty': 'doc.hasviewInvitation',
62 'urlProperty': 'doc.viewInvitation_url'
63 }
64 ]
65 }
66 })
67 #set ($sourceParameters = $escapetool.url({
68 'className' : 'XWiki.XWikiServerClass',
69 'resultPage' : 'WikiManager.WikisLiveTableResults',
70 'translationPrefix' : '',
71 '$doc' : $doc.fullName
72 }))
73 {{liveData
74 id='wikis'
75 source='liveTable'
76 sourceParameters="$sourceParameters"
77 properties="$stringtool.join($columns, ',')"
78 limit=10
79 }}$jsontool.serialize($liveDataConfig){{/liveData}}
80 #set($docextras=[])
81 {{/velocity}}

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XWiki 14.10.13 - Documentation