
Last modified by Stefano Maffulli on 2023/02/17 02:00

If you are are interested in forming an OSI Incubator Project of Working group, before starting a new proposal, please see our current "Incubator Project & Working Group Proposals"—there might already be a groups working on what you are interested in!

To better understand the roles and practices of OSI Incubator Projects and Working Groups, please see "Incubator Project & Working Group Characteristics and Process".

OSI Incubator Projects

OSI Incubator Projects provide opportunities—and resources—to Individual Members of the OSI to self-organize around affinity interests. Each OSI Incubator Project is dedicated to addressing a specific need of, and for, the open source community in line with the OSI's mission of education and advocacy while building bridges among different constituencies. Incubator projects focus on the creation of resources for open source communities, development practices, licensing or any other non-code aspect of the open source ecosystem. 

Requirements for starting an OSI Incubator Project

  • Current Individual Member of the OSI
  • Completed proposal

Current Incubator Projects

Dormant Incubator projects

OSI Working Groups

OSI's working groups enable members of the OSI community (Individual and Affiliate Members as well as Corporate Sponsors) to help identify, understand, and form policy around issues relevant to the OSI's mission, and help inform practices so that the organization can better serve the open source community. Working groups focus on the internal operations of the OSI.

Inactive Working Groups

Requirements for starting an OSI Incubator Project

  • Current Individual Member, Affiliate Member or Corporate Sponsor of the OSI
  • Completed proposal

Working Group & Incubator Project Sandbox

Please feel free to use this space to draft, brainstorm, collaborate around potential working groups and/or incubator projects.

OSI Fiscal Sponsorships

Fiscal sponsorship refers to the practice of non-profit organizations offering their legal and tax-exempt status to groups engaged in activities related to the organization's missions. It typically involves a fee-based contractual arrangement between a project and an established non-profit. Learn more about the OSI's Fiscal Sponsorship program and the organizations we support.