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Joseph Potvin 4.13 1 **__The Open Source Initiative's Management Education Working Group (2014-2015)__**
Joseph Potvin 1.1 2
Joseph Potvin 4.2 3 = Charter of the OSI-EDU-WG (2014-2015) =
Joseph Potvin 1.1 4
Joseph Potvin 13.1 5 //**Version 0.3:**__ Pending OSI Board Approval__//
Joseph Potvin 1.1 6 //**Contact:** Joseph Potvin, Working Group Chair <[email protected]>//
Joseph Potvin 11.1 8 == Call for Participation ==
Joseph Potvin 4.14 9
Stefano Maffulli 30.1 10 >//**Let's work together** to strengthen the quality of management amongst free/libre/open projects and portfolios, and amongst their governing organizations. We invite __your__ collaboration towards improving [[The FLOW Syllabus>>doc:Working-Groups-Incubator-Projects.flow-syllabus.WebHome||title="The FLOW Syllabus"]]. The OSI-EDU-WG meets online at http://osi.bigbluebutton.org/osi/ every Tuesday at 21:00 GMT (which is Wednesday 6am Brisbane, Australia; and Tuesday 4 pm in NYC).// Contact the Chair, Joseph Potvin for details: <[email protected]>.
Joseph Potvin 11.1 11 > — The __Educators Committee__ meets on the first Tuesday of each month
12 > — The __Lawyers Committee__ meets on the second Tuesday of each month
13 > — The __Technologists Committee__ meets on the third Tuesday of each month
14 > — The __Project & Organizational Managers Committee__ meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month
15 >
Joseph Potvin 5.1 17 __**CONTENTS**__
19 {{toc numbered="false"/}}
Joseph Potvin 4.9 21 == Purpose ==
Joseph Potvin 4.2 22
Joseph Potvin 4.9 23 The OSI has long played a role in community-building and education about how free/libre/open source licenses, and various related domains and business models, can provide a foundation for both socio-economic and business advantages.
Joseph Potvin 4.3 24
Joseph Potvin 8.1 25 The //strategic purpose// of the OSI Management Education Working Group (OSI-EDU-WG) is to help managers of projects, portfolios, organizations and consortia to thoroughly understand and engage the free/libre/open way, encompassing ethics, methods, processes, governance, HR management, strategy, security, law and financing.
Joseph Potvin 4.2 26
Stefano Maffulli 30.1 27 The //operational purpose //of the OSI-EDU-WG is to coordinate the maintenance, extension and resourcing of a collectively curated guide to the concepts and methods underlying free/libre/open work, named [[The Free/Libre/Open Works (FLOW) Syllabus>>doc:Working-Groups-Incubator-Projects.flow-syllabus.WebHome||title="The Free/Libre/Open Works (FLOW) Syllabus"]].
Joseph Potvin 4.9 28
Joseph Potvin 4.6 29 The FLOW Syllabus is tailored to assist "educators" in their design of learning programs. The educators we have in mind are academic and business instructors, advisers (including legal counsel), as well as project and operations managers who need to effectively relate and discuss these topics with team members, executives, business partners, customers or constituents, and who therefore also function as educators.
Joseph Potvin 4.2 30
Joseph Potvin 4.5 31 The FLOW Syllabus is intended to be useful towards the development of on-site seminars or workshops, and online tutorials or webinars, in both formal or informal venues, including autonomous learning. It is adaptable to any venue or delivery methodology.
Joseph Potvin 3.1 33 == Scope ==
Joseph Potvin 2.1 34
Joseph Potvin 8.1 35 The OSI-EDU-WG is concerned with helping the managers of projects, portfolios, organizations or consortia to gain an advanced understanding of strategies, processes and methods to optimize value, to control costs, and to manage risk through effective coordination, resourcing and governance of Free/Libre/Open Works (FLOW).
Joseph Potvin 4.4 36
Joseph Potvin 4.7 37 The OSI-EDU-WG is oriented towards the application of explicit free/libre/open arrangements for:
Joseph Potvin 1.1 38
Joseph Potvin 4.7 39 * Computer programs and their related use cases, specifications, diagrams, code, tables, documentation, data;
40 * Any other field through which ideas and experiences can lead to complementary learning and synergies .
Joseph Potvin 1.1 41
Joseph Potvin 8.1 42 The OSI-EDU-WG is based on a pluralist premise that there is intrinsic value in communicating the diversity of logically reasoned perspectives on issues and topics, taking into account the ongoing merging and differentiation of various concepts and efforts through time.
Joseph Potvin 1.1 43
Joseph Potvin 8.1 44 The OSI-EDU-WG notes that at present (June 2014) the global governing bodies of the four most widely used frameworks in the field of project management education, standardization and certification each neglect the methods and processes of free/libre/open way in their documentation of competencies ([[ISO TC 258>>url:http://www.iso.org/iso/standards_development/technical_committees/other_bodies/iso_technical_committee.htm?commid=624837||title="ISO TC 258"]], [[IPMA>>url:http://ipma.ch/||rel="__blank" title="IPMA"]], [[ICCPM>>url:https://iccpm.com/]], [[GAPPS>>url:http://www.globalpmstandards.org/]]). Furthermore they each operate under restrictive intellectual rights stances. The OSI-EDU-WG encourages such organizations to include the free/libre/open way in their respective domains and operations.
Joseph Potvin 4.7 45
Joseph Potvin 8.1 46 Topics that are "out of scope" involve anything not directly relevant to the contextual knowledge and operational know-how required by managers/coordinators of free/libre/open projects or portfolios, or their supporting organizations or consortia. The FLOW Syllabus does __not__ extend into the relative merits of various economic, political or sociological theories or scenarios. And the Syllabus is not the place for marketing or evangelizing of particular free/libre/open software or services, although examples are frequently used to illustrate concepts.
Joseph Potvin 4.15 48 == Participation ==
Joseph Potvin 1.1 49
Joseph Potvin 4.10 50 === Four "Working Committees" ===
Joseph Potvin 1.1 51
Joseph Potvin 4.18 52 The Working Group will be comprised of four "Working Committees" whose members proactively assist with the maintenance and evolution of the concepts, methods and strategies of The FLOW Syllabus, and meet once month via audio conference.
Joseph Potvin 4.13 53
Stefano Maffulli 27.1 54 1. The [[Educators' Working Committee>>doc:Working-Groups-Incubator-Projects.FreeLibreOpenWorksManagementEducation.Charter-OSI-EDU-WG-2014-2015.FLOW Educators Working Committee.WebHome||title="Visit the Educators Committee Page"]] meets on the first Tuesday of each month
Joseph Potvin 4.9 55 1. The __Lawyers Committee__ meets on the second Tuesday of each month
56 1. The __Technologists Committee__ meets on the third Tuesday of each month
57 1. The __Project & Organizational Managers Committee__ meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month
Joseph Potvin 1.1 58
Joseph Potvin 8.1 59 The OSI-EDU-WG seeks active participation in the Working Committees, at both individual and organizational levels. Committee Participants as well as OSI Board representation are listed in an annex to this Charter. Except for the OSI-EDU-WG Chair, no formal relationship with the OSI is required to be a Participant or Contributor with the Working Group, through its Working Committees.
Joseph Potvin 3.1 60
Joseph Potvin 4.15 61 === Three Modes of Participation ===
Joseph Potvin 4.10 62
Joseph Potvin 4.15 63 * **Coordinator (of a Working Committee)**
Joseph Potvin 10.1 64 ** Authority
65 *** Nominated by the OSI-EDU-WG Chair for ratification by the OSI Board on an annual basis.
66 *** Operates on behalf of the OSI Board. Any decisions by a Coordinator can be reversed by the OSI Board.
67 ** Role
68 *** Facilitates monthly meetings of the Committee to the full extent of its mandate.
69 *** Commits to pro-actively achieve the Purpose of the OSI-EDU-WG through co-coordination, co-athorship, etc.
70 *** Convenes, facilitates and participates in a Working Committee.
71 *** The Coordinators of the Working Committees comprise a Steering Committee with the OSI-EDU-WG Chair.
72 ** Funds
73 *** The OSI does not provide a salary or any fees towards this role.
74 *** The Coordinator may have expenses reimbursed by OSI on a pre-approved case-by-case basis.
75 *** The Coordinator may be compensated for this role by any third party and/or may commit services pro-bono.
76 *** The individual in the role of Coordinator may offer commercial services in the same fields as the Working Committee or the OSI-EDU-WG address, through OSI Board referrals and separately.
Joseph Potvin 4.15 77 * **Participant**
Joseph Potvin 8.2 78 ** Identified as a Participant in an online OSI-EDU-WG forum.
Joseph Potvin 4.16 79 ** Speaks in the monthly conference call.
Joseph Potvin 10.1 80 ** Requirement for being a Committee Participant is that s/he must work professionally in the discipline named by each theme, __OR__ may be voted in by working consensus of current team members (all either in favour or neutral, none opposed).
81 ** Each Participant's accession must be ratified by the OSI-EDU-WG Steering Committee on behalf of the OSI Board as being consistent with the purpose of the OSI-EDU-WG, and as having no apparent conflict of interest with the Purpose of the OSI-EDU-WG.
Joseph Potvin 4.17 82 * **Contributor**
Joseph Potvin 8.2 83 ** Identified as a Contributor in the online OSI-EDU-WG forum.
Joseph Potvin 10.1 84 ** For the monthly conference call~,~, receives live audio output and interacts via text-based access to the discussion, which the Participants monitor.
Joseph Potvin 8.1 85 ** Anyone may be a Contributor (i.e. no ratification).
Joseph Potvin 4.11 86
Joseph Potvin 8.2 87 __Overall Coordination__:
89 * **Chair, OSI-EDU-WG**
90 ** Authority
91 *** Appointed and ratified by the OSI Board on an annual basis.
92 *** Operates on behalf of the OSI Board. Any decisions by the Chair can be reversed by the OSI Board.
93 ** Role
Joseph Potvin 10.1 94 *** Commits to pro-actively achieve the Purpose of the OSI-EDU-WG through co-coordination, co-athorship, etc.
Joseph Potvin 8.2 95 *** Convenes and facilitates a Steering Committee of the Coordinators of the Working Committees.
96 *** Participates in the Working Committees.
97 ** Funds
98 *** The OSI does not provide a salary or any fees towards this role.
99 *** The Chair may have expenses reimbursed by OSI on a pre-approved case-by-case basis.
100 *** The Chair may be compensated for this role by any third party and/or may commit services pro-bono.
101 *** The individual in the role of Chair may offer commercial services relevant to the scope of the OSI-EDU-WG through OSI Board referrals and separately.
Joseph Potvin 3.1 103 === Communications ===
Joseph Potvin 4.17 105 * The OSI-EDU-WG Working Committees meet via http://osi.bigbluebutton.org ([[About BigBlueButton>>url:http://bigbluebutton.org/overview/||rel="__blank" title="About BigBlueButton"]])
106 * The monthly calls have their audio streamed externally, and also produce published minutes __with NO attribution__.
Joseph Potvin 14.2 107 * Meeting minutes are recorded at http://wiki.opensource.org/bin/Projects/DraftingWiki_OSI-EDU-WG
108 * The FLOW Syllabus is maintained on a wiki: http://wiki.opensource.org/bin/Projects/flow-syllabus
Joseph Potvin 8.2 109 * Task Management for the FLOW Syllabus is maintained on a fully free/libre/open workflow management system at http://www.projectmanagementhotel.com/projects/course-free-libre-open/issues?
Joseph Potvin 3.1 110
Joseph Potvin 5.6 111 == Activity Types and Resourcing ==
Joseph Potvin 3.1 112
Joseph Potvin 8.2 113 1. __Development of particular educational modules__ to advance the scope, quality and utility of the syllabus, beyond routine updates, improvements and extensions. Such work can sometimes be contributed by suppliers of commercial/academic training as they adapt and extend the FLOW Syllabus to their contexts. Modules can also be individually resourced by organizations that wish to advance the coverage of certain topics within The FLOW Syllabus.
Joseph Potvin 5.6 114 1. __Synthesis, coordination, administration, strategic direction and marketing__ of the Working Group and its four Working Committees: Educational; Legal; Technological, Management. To ensure continuity, this coordination work requires a moderate amount of regular core funding from one or more organizations that benefit from its overall availability and evolution. Business co-sponsors are required. (WG Chair: At least 1/2 day per week; Working Committee Coordinatorm: At least 1/2 day per week at this time.)
Joseph Potvin 5.2 115 1. __Information about commercial/academic training based on The FLOW Syllabus__. The development, marketing and delivery of training services are external to the the activities of the Working Group. Such services occur as financially self-sustained ad hoc offerings by any organization or individual.
Joseph Potvin 3.1 116
Joseph Potvin 5.2 117 == Background Documents ==
Joseph Potvin 14.2 119 * [[The FLOW Syllabus>>url:http://wiki.opensource.org/bin/Projects/draft-flow-syllabus#HAbouttheFLOWSyllabus||title="The FLOW Syllabus"]]
120 * [[Meeting Notes of the FLOW Syllabus Working Group (OSI-EDU-WG)>>url:http://wiki.opensource.org/bin/Projects/DraftingWiki_WG_ManagementEducation||title="Meeting Notes of the FLOW Syllabus Working Group (OSI-EDU-WG)"]]
121 * [[Version 1.x Project Completion Report>>url:http://wiki.opensource.org/bin/Projects/OSI-EDU-WG%3A+Months+1+%26+2+%28March-April+2014%29+Project+Completion+Report||title="Version 1.x Project Completion Report"]]
Joseph Potvin 5.3 122
Joseph Potvin 5.2 123 * [[Initial project proposal to OSI by Joseph Potvin, Nov. 7, 2013>>url:http://wiki.opensource.org/_media/projects:working_groups:potvinproposal.odt]]
Stefano Maffulli 29.1 124 * [[Brief Questionnaire/Interview to Identify Priorities for Advancing “A Management Education Syllabus on the Methods, Processes, Resourcing and Governance of Free/Libre/Open Works”>>doc:Working-Groups-Incubator-Projects.FreeLibreOpenWorksManagementEducationQuestionnaire.WebHome]]
Joseph Potvin 5.2 125
Joseph Potvin 1.1 126 ----
Joseph Potvin 4.19 128 = Annex A. OSI-EDU-WG Participants =
Joseph Potvin 1.1 129
Joseph Potvin 8.2 130 UNDER DEVELOPMENT
131 Updates to this annex do not constitute changes to the Charter.
Joseph Potvin 1.1 132
Joseph Potvin 4.19 133 == Participants in the OSI-EDU-WG ==
Joseph Potvin 1.1 134
Joseph Potvin 10.3 135 * **Chair, OSI-EDU-WG**
136 ** Joseph Potvin, [email protected] 819-593-5983
Joseph Potvin 1.1 137
Stefano Maffulli 27.1 138 * **The [[Educators Committee>>doc:Working-Groups-Incubator-Projects.FreeLibreOpenWorksManagementEducation.Charter-OSI-EDU-WG-2014-2015.FLOW Educators Working Committee.WebHome||title="Visit the Educators Committee Page"]]**
Joseph Potvin 10.3 139 ** Coordinator: Ken Udas, [email protected]
Joseph Potvin 4.18 140 ** First Tuesday of each month
141 ** Participants
Wayne Mackintosh 6.2 142 — Wayne Mackintosh, [email protected] OERu
Joseph Potvin 1.1 143
Joseph Potvin 4.18 144 * **The __Lawyers Committee__**
145 ** Coordinator: Amanda Brock [email protected]
146 ** Second Tuesday of each month
148 * **The __Technologists Committee__**
149 ** Coordinator: TBD
150 ** Third Tuesday of each month
152 * **The __Project & Organizational Managers Committee__**
153 ** Coordinator: TBD
154 ** Fourth Tuesday of each month
Joseph Potvin 4.19 156 == OSI Representatives in the OSI-EDU-WG ==
Joseph Potvin 1.1 157
158 * __Working Group Sponsor__: Mike Milinkovich, [email protected]
159 * __OSI General Manager__: Patrick Masson, [email protected]
161 ----
163 = Annex B. OSI-EDU-WG Workplan =
Joseph Potvin 8.2 165 UNDER DEVELOPMENT (To be determined via the Working Committees.)
166 Updates to this annex do not constitute changes to the Charter.
Joseph Potvin 1.1 167
Joseph Potvin 5.2 168 == Months 1 & 2 ==
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Joseph Potvin 5.2 170 == Months 3 & 4 ==
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Joseph Potvin 5.2 172 == Months 5 & 6 ==
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Joseph Potvin 5.2 174 == Months 7 & 8 ==
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Joseph Potvin 5.2 176 == Months 9 & 10 ==
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Joseph Potvin 5.2 178 == Months 10 & 12 ==
Joseph Potvin 8.1 179
180 ----
Joseph Potvin 8.2 182 = Annex C. Supplementary Notes =
Joseph Potvin 8.1 183
184 * Anything in this charter that conflicts with requirements of the [[Bylaws of the Open Source Initiative>>url:http://opensource.org/bylaws||rel="__blank" title="Bylaws of the Open Source Initiative"]] shall be considered void.
XWikiGuest 18.1 185 * Anything in this charter that conflicts with the parameters of the [[OSI's Working Group Characteristics and Process>>doc:Main.Open Source Initiative Working Groups.Characteristics of OSI Working Groups.WebHome||title="OSI's Working Group Characteristics and Process"]] must be ratified by the OSI Board.
Joseph Potvin 15.1 186
Stefano Maffulli 28.1 187 * [[Working-Groups-Incubator-Projects.FreeLibreOpenWorksManagementEducation.Charter-OSI-EDU-WG-2014-2015.FLOW Syllabus Crowdfunding.WebHome]]

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