Chris Wolske 2014

Version 2.2 by ChristopherWolske on 2014/03/19 18:48

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About me
I have been an Open Source enthusiast/advocate since my introduction to Slackware Linux and NCSA httpd in the early 90's. Through many roles as a consultant, integrator, and architect I have witnessed the struggles that Open Source has encountered in the hearts and minds of IT management and executives. Working closely with states and federal agencies, I know that there is incredible potential for Open Source software and development practices to change the nature of IT in the public sector. Beyond IT, I believe that Open Source concepts can and should be applied to the business domain, including business processes and enterprise architecture.

At my firm I have co-founded the Open Source Community of Practice, a group dedicated to promoting the use of Open Source software  (internally and for client projects) and providing guidance on Open Source issues to our industry/service line leadership, practitioners (50,000 US professionals), and clients. In a recent POV, I have argued that Open Source products aren't just "innovative" in and of themselves, but that Open Source (projects, organizations, and community/lifestyle) is the platform for innovation, and has been for some time now (see Google, Twitter, Facebook, [your name here]...)

Why I'm running for election
I believe my experience with large federal agencies and my role in a large global firm will bring a unique perspective to the Board and OSI activities. Open Source has had great success gaining traction from the bottom up - I would like to ensure that it gets the same kind of support in organizations from the top-down, or at least that management/executives have a balanced understanding of the issues at hand. I would be most interested in helping the OSI expand it's corporate and governmental/non-profit partnerships, including with my own firm.

Thank you for your consideration, and please feel free to ask any questions below. [cw]


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