Eric Greene

Version 2.1 by ericwgreene on 2014/03/13 13:24

Who I am...

Hello, my name is Eric Greene.  I have been writing software since I was a kid and writing it professionally for almost 17 years.  During those 17 years, I have used many technology stacks both open and closed source.  I have seen and been a part of the many debates which take place in IT shops over whether to use open source or closed source technologies.  I started in the Microsoft Classic ASP stack, then transitioned to LAMP, then back to .NET and now I use both LAMP and .NET (including Mono) to build web applications for my customers.  I fully believe in the mission of open source software and seek to promote it with my clients wherever possible.  I seek to find opportunities to integrate open source technologies with existing closed source implementations thereby demonstrating the flexibility and robustness of many open source software applications.  I am pragmatic seeking to leverage the power of open source technologies in primarily closed source environments.

For more information about my professional career:

Much of my software development community participation has been through speaking engagements teaching people about software development including open source technologies.  Also, I have participated in many charity programming events helping small non-profits with various software projects.

Why I would like to serve on the board...

I desire to be on the board of the OSI because I desire to find more opportunities to integrate open source technologies into the closed source space to help others see the benefits of using open source technology in their business solutions.  Simply, my goal is commercial application of open source technology seeking to benefit my clients, their customers and the many developers who contribute to open source software.


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