
Version 2.1 by Deb Nicholson on 2021/03/01 16:28

I am Norbert, and I am running for Affiliate director, nominated by the TeX Users Group.
You can get in touch with me via the following platforms:

# My background

My involvment with open source started with the oldest open source program
available, TeX, developed by D.E. Knuth more than 40 years ago.
Since then I have contributed not only to TeX Live by writing the whole
infrastructure for internet distribution and updates (TeX Live Manager), but
also provided up to date TeX packaging for Debian for more than 20 years.

In my professional life I am working at the Fujitsu Research Labs and I'm
responsible for our scikit-learn involvement, the biggest machine learning
open source library.

The TeX Users Group (TUG) is a membership-based not-for-profit organization,
founded in 1980, for anyone who uses the TeX typesetting system created by
Donald Knuth and/or is interested in typography and font design.
Having supported the open source TeX typesetting system
since its founding in 1980 - before the term "open source" was even coined -
TUG has been helping for more than 40 years to make open source an integral
part of the typesetting world.

I have many years of experience as a board member, with about 15 years member of the board of the scientific society Kurt Gödel Society, and 6 years
on the board of directoris of the TeX Users Group.

# Personal

I'm a mathematician and logician by education, spend a lot of time with
my family, and when I have some free time I love going into the
mountains. I am also a certified professional mountain guide (UIAGM)
(where I often brought my Tux penguin with me, see the photo!),
love reading books, travelling, and learning languages (current count:

# Agenda

My focus as member of the board will be:

- **Regional Diversity:** Living and working in Japan, I am integrated into
  lots of open source activities in the region. Open Source use and development
  is growing fast in Japan and surrounding countries, and the OSI should
  be a player in the dynamic development here.

- **Policy change:*** While open source here in East Asia is
  getting increasingly used, the political attitude towards open source is
  lacking compared to other countries. I hope that the OSI can be an
  integral part in lobbying for more openness with respect
  to software development and code here in East Asia.

- **OSI Visibility:** Knowledge of and about the OSI is very limited in
  my geographic area, and I see it as my aim as board member to make
  the OSI well known and a major player in open source strategies in
  East Asia.

I am looking forward to being an integral part of the OSI and further the
aims and ideals of open source! Thanks for your support.



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