Comments on Jim Jagielski

Last modified by JimJag on 2017/02/18 16:17

  • MichaelSchulz
    MichaelSchulz, 2017/02/04 04:16

    Open Source

  • PeterDegenPortnoy
    PeterDegenPortnoy, 2017/02/14 22:40

    This man is the real deal.

  • Clare
    Clare, 2017/02/17 18:56

    Jim's Wikipedia profile is at

    I note that he was previously on the OSI Board and resigned early. I've not yet found an explanation. I also note that Jim joins a lot of Boards.

  • JimJag
    JimJag, 2017/02/18 16:03

    I resigned from the board when it was clear that the board was interested in moving in a direction, and focusing on topics which I did not fully agree with. Also, my position was an an Affiliate director under Apache, and Apache decided that being an affiliate under OSI did not make sense for it at the time. Due to these reasons, it became clear that what was best for OSI was for me to resign to allow for different representation with someone more fully on-board with the OSI direction at the time (which was ramping up the Affiliate program at what I perceived as at the sacrifice of a focus on individual members). As a Director voted in under the Individual Member "slot", my focus would be more in tune with OSI at present as well as "who voted me in" *grin*

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