2023-03-17 Minutes

Last modified by Aeva Black on 2023/05/19 19:08

Mar 17, 2023

Board Members Catharina Maracke, Pamela Chestek, Justin Colannino, Josh Berkus, Carlo Piana, Aeva Black, Thierry Carrez, Tracy Hinds, Amanda Brock (joined at 09:05)

Regrets None

Guests Stefano Maffulli

Quorum reached at 08:02


Approval of previous minutes 

Pamela moves to approve January minutes. Justin seconds. All present approve.

Elections Update

Elections discussion: Stefano discusses potential issues with the election, and compares this year to previous years’ challenges. The board discusses, and agrees to extend voting by one day.

The Board discusses desired improvements to the onboarding process for new board members.

Operational Update

Financial Update: income ahead of budget, still above 6 months operating reserves despite economic slowdown.

Stef provides an update on CY’23 plans. A few items planned for Q1 have slipped to the start of Q2. For the remainder of the year, three major events are planned (License Clinic in D.C.; Deep Dive AI, online; State of the Source, in Raleigh).  Policy & Standards continues to engage monthly in Brussels. License Renewal project has begun and is being staffed by an intern. ClearlyDefined has hired a community manager. 

License Discussion

Pam leads a discussion on the Open Logistics Foundation License proposal, and highlights that it has had a healthy discussion over the past year. Pam notes that multiple individuals in the license review committee objected to the v1.2 draft, and that those objections were resolved in the v1.3 draft. The Board discusses several questions, in particular the choice-of-law clause.

Pamela moves that the Board approve the OLFL v1.3 License as an open source initiative certified license in the special purpose category of licenses. The Board approves unanimously.

Stef suggests that the License Committee draft guidance regarding choice-of-law clauses for publication on the website.

Real Names Discussion

Aeva leads a discussion on calls for real name requirements in open source and proposes writing a Guest Blog Post to refute these calls and highlight the need for attribution over identification. The Board agrees that Aeva shall provide a guest blog post, and based on community feedback to the blog, the Board may develop a public position statement. 

Justin moves to approve the February minutes, as amended by Aeva. Catharina seconded. Theirry and Amanda abstain. All others approve.

Meeting adjourned at 09:49.