Wiki source code of Photos

Last modified by Ludovic Dubost on 2020/07/08 20:03

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Ludovic Dubost 4.1 1 = Photo Albums =
Administrator 1.1 2
Ludovic Dubost 4.1 3 {{velocity filter="none"}}
4 {{html clean="false" wiki="true"}}
5 |=Photo|=Title|=Description|=Comments
6 |#set ($sql = ", BaseObject as obj where and obj.className='XWiki.PhotoAlbumClass' and <> 'XWiki.PhotoAlbumClassTemplate' order by doc.creationDate desc")
Administrator 1.1 7 #foreach ($item in $xwiki.searchDocuments($sql))
8 #set($bentrydoc = $xwiki.getDocument($item))
9 #set($comments = $bentrydoc.getComments())
10 #if($comments.size()>0)
11 #set($i = 0)
12 #set($cobj = $comments.get($i))
13 #set($comment = $bentrydoc.display("comment", "view", $cobj))
14 #else
15 #set($comment = "")
16 #end
17 #set($comment = $comment.replaceAll("\n","<br />"))
18 #set($bentryobj = $bentrydoc.getObject("XWiki.PhotoAlbumClass",0))
19 #if($bentrydoc.attachmentList.size()>0)
20 #set($attach = $bentrydoc.attachmentList.get(0))
Ludovic Dubost 4.1 21 <img src="$bentrydoc.getAttachmentURL($attach.filename,"download", "height=50")" height="50" alt="$!{bentrydoc.display("title","view",$bentryobj)}" />|[[$!{bentrydoc.display("title","view",$bentryobj)}>>$item]]|$!bentrydoc.display("description", "view", $bentryobj)|$!comment
22 |#else
23 [[No photo>>$item]]|[[$!{bentrydoc.display("title","view",$bentryobj)}>>$item]]|$!bentrydoc.display("description","view",$bentryobj)|$!comment
24 |#end
Administrator 1.1 25 #end
Ludovic Dubost 4.1 28 == Add an Album ==
Administrator 1.1 30 <form action="" id="newdoc">
31 <div>
32 <input type="hidden" name="form_token" value="$!{services.csrf.getToken()}" />
33 <input type="hidden" name="parent" value="Photos.WebHome" />
34 <input type="hidden" name="template" value="XWiki.PhotoAlbumClassTemplate" />
35 <input type="hidden" name="sheet" value="1" />
36 <input type="hidden" name="webname" value="Photos" />
37 Wiki name of the album: <input type="text" name="name" value="short name no special chars" size="40" />
38 <input type="button" value="Add this Album" onclick='updateName(; action="../../inline/" + this.form.webname.value + "/" +; this.form.submit();' />
39 </div>
40 </form>
Ludovic Dubost 4.1 42 {{/html}}
43 {{/velocity}}

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