ClearlyDefined Monthly Board Report: September 2020

Last modified by Italo Vignoli on 2023/02/17 01:51

OSI Board Report on ClearlyDefined


There have not been any significant changes or additions to the project and its technology this month, but we have officially hired an engineer to work full-time on it. We hope after she starts we’ll be able to make further progress on the technology and organization. Resources and the project otherwise remain stable. 


Microsoft has officially hired an engineer to work full-time on ClearlyDefined. We expect to update further on how the onboarding is going and next steps with the organization once we’ve had time to sync up further. The project infrastructure remains stable and similar to how it was last month. We do not expect more funding for the project, but are still looking to hire contracting resources to work with the Microsoft engineer after she starts.


The project had a ~3-hour website outage on Sept 18. It was resolved and the service and website are up and stable. We’re looking into the root cause of the outage. We have not had any significant features or bug fixes this month, but we hope to start making engineering progress on new features and other things once the engineer has been onboarded.


We continue to have new members show up to the project to ask questions and participate in our biweekly meetings. We have also had a large and steady number of curations being created and merged each day, and the community curation steering committee meeting has been well-attended with many curations getting individually discussed there. We still have a large community participating in our biweekly calls and other conversations on Discord.

Upcoming goals

  1. Onboarding the new engineer to manage ClearlyDefined at Microsoft. Setting up introduction meetings for her as well as delivering training on the project.
  2. Establishing a roadmap and goals for the new engineer to focus on in the coming months with the community.
  3. Continuing the search for a contracting company to work on the project website and service with the Microsoft engineer once she starts.

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