ClearlyDefined Monthly Board Report: June 2020

Last modified by Italo Vignoli on 2023/02/17 01:51

OSI Board Report on ClearlyDefined

Monthly report in preparation for board meeting June 12, 2020


We’re optimistic that financial and engineering resources will be significantly added to this month, which will mean we are able to implement the mirroring solution we have long wanted to design and build. Other resources remain stable, and the community and curations continue to grow.


Microsoft is revisiting hiring an engineer to staff ClearlyDefined, and the process is moving along. We may be able to hire someone for the position soon. We have also had a commitment of another donation to the OSI for ClearlyDefined this month, which will enable us to hire contracting resources for the project as well.

All infrastructure and crawlers resources remain stable and similar to last month. 


We had a meeting of all the interested parties regarding a mirroring solution for ClearlyDefined. We are now working on a design of the solution that we could then apply resources to building a prototype for. This would be a great feature to get implemented, so we are prioritizing work on it. We have long heard from potential users that they need a ClearlyDefined mirroring solution in order to integrate the project into their infrastructure. We hope to have more progress on this next month. 


We continue to grow the community and the number of curators month over month. We have representatives from new organizations attending our biweekly calls, and continue to have regular questions and conversation in Discord as well as new issues being filed by members of different organizations. 

Upcoming goals

  1. Confirm donation to OSI for ClearlyDefined from Microsoft
  2. Design mirroring solution and begin building prototype
  3. Hire engineer to staff project from Microsoft, identify potential contracting resources

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