Wiki source code of Educational Affiliates

Last modified by DT washington on 2021/07/04 10:36

Show last authors
1 = Initial Institutional Interest =
3 * Colgate University,
4 Brian Hutzley, Vice President and CFO
5 * The State University of New York, Chancellor's Office,
6 Dave Powalyk, CIO SUNY System Office
7 * The University of Massachusetts, Office of the President,
8 John Cunningham, CEO of UMassOnline and Assoc. Provost UMass President's Office.
10 = Additional Possible Participants =
12 **Apereo Advisory Board**
14 * Lois Brooks Vice Provost, Information Services Oregon State University
15 * Laura Czerniewicz, Director, OpenUCT Initiative), University of Cape Town
16 * Thomas Dodds, CIO and Vice President, Cornell University
17 * Kent Eaton, Provost, McPhearson College
18 * Stuart Lee, Deputy CIO, Oxford University
20 **Student Groups**
22 * SUNY Albnay: ASIST
23 * RPI: RCOS
25 **Affiliate Agreement**
27 The Affiliate Agreement is developed to show alliance with the OSI mission and goals. It is applicable to non-profit organizations and foundations, user communities and educational institutions. In order to assess the eligibility of educational institutions a set of [[Affiliate Membership qualifications and criteria>>doc:Main.Communities.Affiliates.Affiliate Membership Qualifications and Criteria.WebHome]] has been developed and should be completed by interested organizations.

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