Local Chapters
Strengths: characteristics of the project that gives it an advantage over others
- local chapters can operate under guidelines set by HQ, and must adopt bylaws that are approved by a committee of volunteers (sort of like our working groups / incubator projects).
- Submit annual plan/review to ensure alignment
- As open source continues to gain adoption and awareness, there's a possibility that other groups will form independently to support open source, and may not even be aware of OSI. Chapters will provide a resource for those interested in forming groups.
Weaknesses: characteristics that puts the project at a disadvantage relative to others
- Dissolution of brand, "OSI" vs. "OSI UK"
- Alignment with other OSI efforts (FLOSSCC and Affiliates)
- Official role of and autonomy of members/activities
- Scope of authority: defining their own licensing.
Opportunities: elements that the project could exploit to its advantage
- Extends reach:
- local groups can host local events
- Local chapter members can attend local events on OSI's behalf
- Extends resources
- Increase membership
Threats: elements in the environment that could cause trouble for the business or project
- Fracturing of the OSI community
- Fracturing of the OSI mission
Other considerations
It may be that we work with existing Affiliates, user groups, etc. to create OSI related activities, ensuring groups that exist for their own reasons become affiliated and are grouped with other regional affiliates in structures that mutually support and develop them.
DRAFT: Open Source Initiative Chapter Charter
Open Source Initiative Chapters allow local communities—affinity groups with a clear commitment to open source—to join the Open Source Initiative in support of our mission to, educate about and advocate for the benefits of open source and to build bridges among different constituencies in the open source community.
Participation is welcome from technical and non-technical communities and individuals across industries and interests, unified in promoting and protecting open source software, development and communities, championing software freedom in society through education, collaboration, and infrastructure, stewarding the Open Source Definition (OSD), and preventing abuse of the ideals and ethos inherent to the open source movement. Entities under the control of a for-profit corporation are unlikely to be approved and membership of both the Chapter whole, and individuals of that Chapter, is ultimately at the sole discretion of the Open Source Initiative Board of Directors.
Open Source Initiative Chapters were developed to extend the reach of both the Open Source Initiative and each participating member through community, collaboration and co-creation. The program provides an environment to identify, communicate and address issues important to furthering open source awareness and adoption, whether those initiatives are begun by the Chapter, an Affiliate or Individual Member, or the Open Source Initiative. While no Chapter or Chapter member is expected to participate in—or even agree with—all the activities undertaken by the Open Source Initiative, Affiliate Members, or other Chapters, each Chapter commits to upholding the mission, values and objectives of the Open Source Initiative and the Open Source Definition.
Open Source Initiative Chapters are required to appoint an individual (i.e. Chapter Representative) to represent the Chapter in connection with the Open Source Initiative. The Chapter Representative serves as the liaison between the Open Source Initiative and the local Chapter membership / community and shares information and opportunities between the Representative's Chapter, the Open Source Initiative Affiliate Members, and other Chapters.
This document ("Agreement") governs the relationship between the Open Source Initiative and the Chapter Representative signing on behalf of the local Chapter below.
The Chapter, the Chapter Representative ("Representative"), and membership understands and acknowledges the following responsibilities must be met to maintain active status:
- Continue to express public support for Open Source Software.
- Uphold the mission, values and objectives of the Open Source Initiative and the Open Source Definition (OSD).
- Recognize the Open Source Initiative as the sole steward of the OSD, and the only recognized body for reviewing and approving licenses as OSD-conformant.
- Acknowledge only licenses approved through the Open Source Initiative's License Review Process can be referred to as "Open Source Software Licenses."
- Agree that only software distributed with an Open Source Initiative approved Open Source Software License should be labeled "Open Source Software"
- Do not attempt to limit others from exercising their permissions granted under a license approved by Open Source Initiative.
- Act in furtherance of the interest of the Open Source Initiative.
- Identify a Representative authorized to act on the Chapter's behalf in connection with Open Source Initiative business, subject to the reasonable approval of Open Source Initiative. The Representative must be a current Individual Member of the Open Source Initiative.
- In order to form and operate as a Chapter, the Chapter must include a minimum of five (5) current Open Source Initiative Individual Members, including the Representative.
- Meet once a month and make public notes of discussions / activities.
- Submit an annual report to Open Source Initiative for review to ensure alignment.
- Ensure that the Representative responds in timely fashion to pertinent Open Source Initiative actions and requests.
- Do not abuse the Chapter's, its Representative's or the membership's status as an Open Source Initiative Chapter. For example, niether the Chapter, its Representative nor the membership will claim that a position is approved by the Open Source Initiative without the Open Source Initiative’s prior approval, or use the Chapter's status to coerce or restrict others. The Open Source Initiative understands the Chapter, its Representative and/or the membership may disagree with some Open Source Initiative actions or statements, but the Chapter, its Representative and membership agree not to express this disagreement in a manner which demeans open source software as defined by the Open Source Initiative, or Open Source Initiative as an organization.
- Gain approval from the Open Source Initiative for any partnerships, endorsements, sponsorships, affiliations related to the Chapter.
- Allow the Open Source Initiative to use the Chapter name, the name of the Representative and members, and identify the Chapter as an Open Source Initiative Chapter on Open Source Initiative communications relating Chapters, general Open Source Initiative membership and other Open Source Initiative promotional and organizational materials.
- The Chapter will only use Open Source Initiative supported infrastructure (email, website, wiki, mailing lists, etc.) to manage Chapter business and communicate with the local and broader open source community.
- Abide by the Open Source Initiative Trademark Guidelines.
Continued recognition as an Open Source Initiative Chapter is ultimately at the sole discretion of the Open Source Initiative Board of Directors.
Open Source Initiative understands and acknowledges that it has the following responsibilities:
- To inform the Chapter, through the Representative, of any actions or potential actions relating to governance or public policy statements in order to gain the Chapter's approval. The Open Source Initiative will attempt to provide two business days advance notice of such actions, but Open Source Initiative may not be able to do so in some cases. In such cases, the Open Source Initiative will make clear that it speaks without the Chapter's support or approval. Additionally, the Open Source Initiative will not prevent the Chapter, its Representative or membership from making a statement which clarifies the Chapter's, its Representative's or its membership's position, even if it is different from or in conflict with the Open Source Initiative's position on the relevant action.
- The Open Source Initiative will not use the Chapter, its Representative, or members' names in connection with any policy statement without prior approval or consent.
- The Open Source Initiative will provide complete Open Source Initiative accounting information to the Chapter.
- The Open Source Initiative may request that the Chapter appoint a new Representative.
- The Open Source Initiative will provide the Chapter access to all available Open Source Initiative infrastructure (email, website, wiki, mailing lists, etc.) without cost, in order to manage Chapter business and communicate with the local and broader open source community.
This Agreement shall continue until it is terminated. The Representative may terminate this Agreement at any time, and for any reason, upon written notice to the Open Source Initiative's General Manager. The Open Source Initiative may terminate this Agreement at any time, and for any reason, upon written notice to the Chapter's Representative.
In the event a new Representative is named, a change of name, of ownership or of operational status, by the Chapter, the Open Source Initiative will review the Chapter status.
The Chapter, its Representative and membership, and Open Source Initiative are independent parties. Neither the Chapter, its Representative or membership, nor Open Source Initiative is the representative or agent of the other party for any purpose whatsoever. Neither the Chapter, its Representative and membership nor Open Source Initiative has any authority to assume or create any obligations of any kind, or to make any representation or warranty, express or implied, on behalf of or binding on the other party. All notices required to be given hereunder shall be by email using an address provided for such purpose by the party receiving notice. No failure or delay by either party in exercising any rights, power or remedy under this Agreement shall operate as a waiver of any such right, power or remedy. If any portion of this Agreement shall be held to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect. No waiver, amendment or modification of this Agreement shall be effective unless agreed to by both parties in writing. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed under the laws of the State of California without regard to its conflict of laws principles. The parties hereby submit to the jurisdiction of the state and federal courts located in Santa Clara, California. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement and understanding between the Chapter, its Representative and membership and the Open Source Initiative with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes any and all other agreements, written or oral, that the parties heretofore may have had with respect to the subject matter herein.